Friday, February 04, 2011

Not Having To Distinguish Colors When Concussed Might Help

The Justice League in Batman Beyond has a Green Lantern in its ranks, as is fairly typical for Justice Leagues. Do you think his ring has the weakness to yellow?

I don't know where Batman Beyond sits in continuity with the current Lantern books. It would be a future, obviously, but not necessarily the future for those books, since the Multiverse is back and all. It's possible Kai-Ro could be a GL in a universe where they never figured out the way around the yellow vulnerability.

But Batman Beyond was originally a cartoon, and I can't recall if the issue with yellow was every brought up in any of the cartoons of the last 15 years or so. Sinestro showed up in Superman and the Justice League cartoons, but I don't remember his ring being yellow being established as a way for him to take advantage of a flaw in Green Lantern rings. Sinestro's advantages tended to presented as he was more experienced and ruthless, but his ring was equal to a GL ring, no more.

The cartoons tended to present the weakness of the ring as its user. If the user doesn't know what they're doing, or can't put sufficient will into it, the ring is useless. So the yellow impurity may not even exist in that universe. I guess I got on that track because Kai-Ro was created for the cartoon back before Johns did all this adding and revising of the concept, and I'm curious if Beechen would adopt some of those changes, or leave them out.


SallyP said...

That's an interesting puzzle. I am rather surprised that the show had the wearer's constructs less useful if they didn't know what they were doing.

Heck, Kyle NEVER knew what he was doing...and yet he managed to contain the blast from a supernova. They must have a lesser grade of GL's in the future.

CalvinPitt said...

sallyp: I could it being an issue if they're trying to create something with the ring, but then their mind wanders, and it doesn't come out right. It probably takes focus to concentrate solely on what they're trying to make, and not whatever other concerns they might have at the time. I don't know,

I wish I could remember what the precise problem was in that Justice League episode where Despero did something to John Stewart where he couldn't use his ring properly, and Katma was trying to retrain him.

Maybe it's a future for a world where Superboy-Prime killed most of the experienced Corps members (like that timeline Booster made by saving Ted), so the folks left are on their own, and not naturally gifted like Kyle? Just spitballing.