Friday, September 30, 2011

The Story Of Charlie Oakseed

There's lots of oak trees 'round these parts. This time o' year, that means lots of acorns on the ground. Most of the dogs didn't concern themselves with such things. Because they're dogs, you see, not squirrels.

But there was one dog that was different. Charlie liked those acerns. Liked to pick 'em up. Sometimes he crunched 'em in his teeth. Most o' the time he did that, he spit 'em back out, but sometimes not. But other times Charlie would carry those acorns off the road, and drop 'em on the ground. I couldn't understand why he kept doing that, but he did.

Come one day, Charlie slipped his leash and took off a runnin'. I tried to give chase, but Charlie could fly when he put his mind to it. No, I don't mean fly like a bird, I mean run real fast. Get your head outta the clouds, child, we're talkin' 'bout a dog here. I only caught up because he kept stoppin' to move acorns off the road and set 'em on the ground. That's when I understood what he thought he had to do. So I let him loose, and off he went. I never saw Charlie again, but I hear tell of a dog crossing the country, setting acorns in the grass so oak trees will grow everywhere for the squirrels.

Course, it might have worked better if he'd tried buryin' those acerns, 'cause the squirrels and the birds just gobble 'em all up. But Charlie, well, Charlie never was all that bright.

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