Wednesday, May 08, 2013

If I'd Botched Things That Badly, I'd Want To Forget Too

Does The Flash remember that he changed everything at the end of Flashpoint? I would guess no, but a quick perusal of Wikipedia suggests he delivered Thomas Wayne's letter to Batman, so clearly he ought to remember something.

It's just, we're a year-and-a-half into the new52, and there's been no sign of the Dibnys. Ralph and Sue were pretty close friends of Barry's, once upon a time. I feel like if I were able to change the entire universe, I would do my damndest to make sure my friends were there when I was done.

I know, they were dead prior to Flashpoint. But Ralph - and presumably Sue, somewhere - were both alive in the Flashpoint universe. How hard is it to make sure that change sticks? He can do some speed thingamajigger to make three universe combine (but somehow is "restoring" the original timeline), but he can't spare a little effort for the Dibnys?

All he had was this Pandora's word that he needed to combine the universes, why go along with her? Why trust someone he doesn't know, who never appeared to help him when he was messing things up in the first place, but who instead as he tries to set things right, and tells him to do something very different from what he was planning? That didn't raise any red flags with Barry, that she had ulterior motives?

I think Hal Jordan's attempt as Parallax to wipe out the universe and start over was better thought out. And when you're being out-thought by Hal Jordan, you know you're in trouble.

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