Sunday, February 04, 2018

Sunday Splash Page #7

"Another Stapler Bites The Dust", in All-New Tenchi Muyo! Volume 1, Chapter 2, "Idle Hands", Hitoshi Okuda (writer/artist)

It's not quite a double-page splash; more a 1.5 page splash, but it was about the closest I could get that I was interested in.

The series continued the earlier manga of various adventures for Tenchi and the house full of alien girls he finds himself living in. There's usually a strong comic element to the whole thing, usually focusing on the impressive (if accidental) destructive power of most of the houseguests. As with most ensemble cast books, if you have a particular favorite you might end up frustrated they aren't getting enough page time (mine is Ryoko, seen above, so I lucked out).

I only bought the first volume. Flipping through the later ones in Barnes & Noble, I got the impression the stories weren't going in a direction I was interested in. Oh well.

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