Monday, December 09, 2019

Strange Thoughts Come In a Turkey Coma

When Monica Rambeau (aka Captain Marvel, aka Photo, aka Pulsar, aka Spectrum) was in NextWave, she had a tendency to refer to herself as "Auntie Monica", usually when she was pissed off and about to hurt something.

So obviously, she needs to fight an enemy called "Anti-Monica". Her power would probably be an ability to shift between different forms of matter, since Monica's able to do the same with forms of energy. Maybe something like Metamorpho, or Chemical Lad from the Legion.

A cheerful, endlessly upbeat person who is perfectly happy with the team she's part of (unless she's a solo act, which sure, why not) and has no interest in being a leader. if she was ever part of whatever her equivalent of the Avengers would be - and she probably wasn't - she didn't think it was for her, and doesn't miss it..

All of which would probably amuse her NextWave teammates. Probably prompt at least a few of them to offer Anti-Monica the other Monica's spot on the team. Which Monica would no doubt get them back for later.

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