Saturday, August 17, 2024

Saturday Splash Page #138

"Cat Chase," in Spider-Man Unlimited (vol. 3) #14, by C.B. Cebulski (writer), David Finch (penciler), Danny Miki (inker), Frank D'Armata (colorist), Dave Sharpe (letterer)

Summer of Spiders bids Jessica Drew adieu, and says hello to a fellow with radioactive blood!

Spider-Man Unlimited was, back in the '90s, a quarterly anthology book.  Because four monthly Spider-Man titles was not enough of the Webhead. It was born under an ominous star, its first two issues acting as start and finish of Maximum Carnage

Usually one lead story, sometimes part of whatever crossover was running through all the Spider-books that month, but sometimes a standalone story. Doc Ock stealing research equipment for an unknown reason. A guy announcing himself to the public as Spider-Man and becoming a public sensation, to Spidey's annoyance. Then various shorter back-ups, maybe focused on a villain or supporting cast member. What Mary Jane's thinking as she watches Peter fight Boomerang. Will Cardiac, in his day job as a heart surgeon, save the life of a crooked CEO he tried to kill the night before? Stuff like that.

The second volume was 5 issues based on that weird late-90s cartoon where Peter chases the symbiotes to Counter-Earth and fights Beast-Men and stuff like that. Whatever. Volume 3 went back to the original formula, but every other month. Probably most notable for Locke & Key co-creator Joe Hill writing a story in one issue, otherwise basically like Volume 1, standalone stories that needed a book to be published in. In the above issue, the lead story is Felicia making Peter repay a favor from Millar's Marvel Knights Spider-Man by breaking into Latveria's embassy to steal what is ultimately revealed as a spider-tracer with Peter's fingerprint on it. They fight a Doombot, that's about it.

The second story, by Joe Reitman and Ron Garney, is about a guy who works on the crew for New York City that clean up after superhero battles. He's gathering up any left over weapons he finds, apparently intending to become a villain, in spite of Spidey leaving a gift basket outside his window as a thank you. More of an interesting idea, albeit one that's been done before in various ways.

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