Friday, August 23, 2024

What I Bought 8/21/2024

I did something to my wrist a couple of days ago and it's been bugging me ever since. Don't know if I slept on it wrong, it objected to the way I held the steering wheel during the 6+ hours I spent on the road Tuesday, or what.

Here's the one comic from this week I found at the store.

Deadpool #5, by Cody Ziglar (writer), Andrea Di Vito (artist), Guru-eFX (color artist), Joe Sabino (letterer) - I don't think this is an appropriate father/daughter activity.

Deadpool, sans healing factor, continues his fight with Death Grip. It's back-and-forth, as Death Grip keeps busting out magic and talking about one of them learning from the other, while Deadpool shoots guns and hits people with his detached arm while making bondage jokes.

Deadpool cuts Death Grip's hands off, which would seem like a win, except Death Grip can shoot magic from his mouth like Piccolo and takes off one of Wade's legs at the knee. And right after Deadpool made a big speech about how he's finally going to take being a father seriously, unlike all those times in the past where he didn't take his interpersonal relationships seriously.

That's the problem with newbie villains. No respect for the proper arc of a story. That's the basic course most of Deadpool's banter runs along, references to a bit starting three pages ago, or that he did a dramatic pause because the writer felt it was needed. I didn't laugh, but humor is always going to vary I guess.

Eleanor and Princess show up, Elle shoots Death Grip with one of Taskmaster's exploding arrows, they make a dramatic escape, everything seems good, minus Deadpool being down two limbs and the healing factor that keeps his cancer at bay.

Di Vito's work doesn't look quite as smooth as it usually does. Don't know if that was an attempt to hew closer to Roge Antonio's art on the series thus far, or just a shift in style. Despite people losing appendages left and right, the violence doesn't seem quite as graphic. Maybe Di Vito's art is still too clean for that effect. Eleanor does look suitably ridiculous wearing a mishmash of her father and Taskmaster's outfits when she makes her big arrival.

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