. . .
Yeah, it is. Let's just get on with it. I did put an asterisk next to the fifteen out of thirty I would buy, if that's all I could buy, so I guess that could be my fifteen.
Possibility #1 - DC. War Games went much differently, so Spoiler not dead, Leslie Thompkins still friends with Bats, but Bats still hunted by police, so sidekicks have to leave. Identity Crisis, never happened, though Dr. Light has become a badass through the power of self-actualization, or something. Jason Todd still alive (barely). The Ray is the version we had in Infinite Crisis, not whoever this new guy is in the Freedom Fighters comic (and don't think I won't be hurting DiDio for that crap when I take over).
Action Comics
Writer: Grant Morrison, Artist: John Romita Jr.
I've heard Quitely has trouble with monthly deadlines, that's why. I was real close to putting Kal-El in Conner's place for Infinite Crisis #6. Consider it retroactive vengeance on Ridiculously Powerful Superman. But I didn't, so let Morrison keep doing as he wishes.
Writer: Bruce Timm, Artist: Jim Lee
Timm is taking over one of the Batman books right? I liked Batman Adventures, so let him run with it. Jim Lee to give the title some cachet.
Writer: Kurt Busiek, Artist: George Perez
You got a problem with that? Batman will not be a member, not Superman either, as I institute a "No character in multiple titles!" rule. Not sure which Green Lanterns will be available. I have this weird desire to do Joe Kelly's Back-Up JLA from "Obsidian Age" with Kyle Rayner in place of Plot Device Faith. I won't push that though. Probably have Black Canary though.
Writer: Geoff Johns, Artist: Champagne
Guess I had to give Johns something, and he does good work on this. As for the artist, I just picked one listed on the cover of a recent issue, it's not set in stone. What is set is the team will have Wildcat, Sand, Dr. Mid-Nite and Power Girl. The rest I leave to Johns, unless the character is otherwise occupied. No multiple titles!
*Secret Six
Writer: Gail Simone, Artist: Brad Walker
I cut Birds of Prey, but I want Simone to have a monthly title, and if I don't give them a Catman fix, the guys at the store (especially Jack) will kill me. I think it'll be a Suicide Squad type book, on a hunch. Do a better job of the "does the jobs that are too dirty for other heroes" better than Outsiders, I can guarantee that.
*Teen Titans
Writer: Allan Heinberg, Artist: Tony Daniel
I like his work on Young Avengers. Cyborg and Starfire are still on the team, Ravager and Kid Flash are definites, and I'd like to see Speedy and The Ray as well. If he wants Marvin, Wendy, Kid Devil, the Herald, that's fine. Beast Boy is on the Doom Patrol, Raven went to school. And no stories involving Trigon for at least five years. And Deathstroke is now exclusive villain property of the Titans. He is no longer the Wolverine of DC, all right? Yeah, his daughter is on the team; makes it more fun, doesn't it?
*Green Lanterns
Writer: John Ostrander, Artist: Ethan van Sciver
I think Jake suggested a book that rotates between Lanterns. I like that. Every arc has at least one of Kyle, John, Hal, Guy, Kilowog, Katma Tui ( I'm trying to figure out how to bring her back), or Jade (Katma will train her up, so don't be mad Ragnell). I want the arcs to tie-in to an overarching story, and his first 20 issues on Grimjack showed me Ostrander rocks at that.
Writer: various, Artist: various
Sgt. Rock, Jonah Hex , or Frankenstein? Maybe a return of the Haunted Tank? Here they go.
Writer: Bill Willingham, Artist: Justiano
Again, out of fear of what Jack would do if deprived of Detective Chimp, we get a magic-themed book. That's cool, needs to be at least one title exploring the mystic realm.
Wonder Woman?
Writer: Greg Rucka, Artist: Terry Dodson
You know what, let's just ignore those issues of OMAC fighting, so Rucka can wrap up those plot threads, hmm? Or maybe it's Cassandra, while Diana is incarcerated? It's not Donna Troy, as the Brave New Earth eliminated that "keeps returning from the dead" clause, and she went out getting rid of Alex Luthor.
Writer: Kurt Busiek, Artist: Butch Guice
I'm letting him follow this through.
Writer: Greg Rucka, Artist: Jesus Saiz
More spy thriller, political intrigue than Secret Six I figure.
Legion of Superheroes
Writer: Mark Waid, Artist: Kitson
I figure we need to explore the boundaries of DC, and lacking a multiverse, this seems like the remaining avenue to explore, so Waid can keep it.
*Robin and the Bat-Kids (tenative title)
Writer: Anderson Gabrych, Artist: Pop Mhan
Because the people who helped me enjoy Batgirl so much are not going unemployed damnit! The title was actually Kelvin's idea, and I figure it looks at Batgirl, Robin, Spoiler, maybe Huntress or Catwoman, as they try to work together to keep Bludhaven under control. And can you say the Return of Azrael? What? Superboy-Prime punched something, that's how.
Writer: Kohta Hirano, Artist: Kohta Hirano
OK, it ain't all, DC, but damnit, it's been over six months since the last translated volume of Hellsing! So I'm taking over to make sure I get it much faster. I want my graphic vampire violence!
Possibility #2 - Marvel. Uhm yeah, House of M? Never happened. Civil War? Not happening. The Other? What's that? Gwen Stacy's kids? Whatever could you be talking about? Whichever company I run, Infinite Crisis is the last major "event" for a minimum of seven years. Preferably, fifteen years. Oh yeah, no more Phoenix stuff, unless it involves Len's idea about D'Ken breaking out of the M'Kronn Crystal because a certain cosmic entity wasn't there to guard it.
Writer: various, Artist: various
Sgt. Fury? Dracula? Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane? Marvel Zombies? Right here.
Marvel Team-Up
Writer: Robert Kirkman, Artist: Tom Raney
Just keep doing what you're doing, Robert.
*The Defenders
Writer: Kurt Busiek, Artist: Erik Larsen
Because I want to see how their series would have gone without out interference from health problems or cancellation. And because with that cast, you can do any kind of story, anywhere, espcially with the Hulk potentially getting blasted off into space. Watch as his teammates fight Tony Stark and Reed Richards to prevent it. But who will Dr. Strange aid?
Nick Fury's Old Style Butt Kicking Spy Extravaganza!
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis, Artist: Deodato Jr.
OK, I'll work on the title. Give BMB carte blanche to write obtuse, slow-moving, gritty spy stuff, with an artist suited for the down and dirty. May feature occasional guest spots by super-heroes.
*The Punisher
Writer: Garth Ennis, Artist: Leandro Fernandez
Because I said so.
Captain America
Writer: Brubaker, Artist: whoever
It's going fine, why bother it? I might change this and make it a Thor title written by Walt Simonson, drawn by John Romita Jr. Whichever one doesn't get his own book, lands in Avengers with Stark.
Writer: Dan Slott, Artist: various
Only one thing to say: No more Greg Horn covers!
Fantastic Four
Writer: Paul Jenkins, Artist: Mike Wieringo
I have no idea if Jenkins can do this, but I'm a fan, and I think he can write some interesting stuff, that deals with the family aspect of the Fantastic Four, so there you go.
Writer: Peter David, Artist: Ryan Sook
So they won't have the mass depowering of mutants to investigate. And so what that Peter David won't have the opportunity to make Layla Miller into more than a plot device. You telling me it won't still be good?
Writer: Tony Bedard, Artist: Jim Calafiore
Unlike DC, Marvel still has a multiverse, and this is the way to use it. A somewhat fluid roster of individuals, moving from universe to universe.
Writer: Tom DeFalco, Artist: Ron Frenz
Or, the universe can be completely self-contained, like this one. As the title suggests, it may not be a book that focuses exclusively on May Parker anymore. It may be a way for DeFalco to have a few kicks writing stories with other characters from time to time. It's his baby.
Writer: Robert Kirkman, Artist: George Perez
Again, overlap on the artists, again, I'll side with the Marvel title. I'm going to be pushing for Warbird on here, along with Iron Man and Thor/Cap. I'd like to see Speedball too, just because someone needs to be funny on the team.
*Uncanny X-Men
Writer: Joe Casey, Artist: Ian Churchill
Casey comes back, and there's no Grant Morrison for him to feel overshadowed by. Hopefully Churchill can stay on schedule, if not Michael Ryan from New Excalibur.
*Amazing Spider-Man
Writer: Peter David, Artist: Mark Bagley
So, no stingers, organic webbing, no being beaten to death, no Iron Spidey outfits, no living in Stark's mansion, or any of that other stuff. Peter David will writes stories where Spidey fights villains trying to commit various crimes and Spidey stops them, Peter Parker will teach, and have friends in the workplace and everyday life (Randy Robertson, anyone?). No mention will be made of Spider-Totems. Plots will not revolve around endless series of attempts to get revenge on Spider-Man. Norman Osborn will not show up for at least five years. If David can't follow these rules, I'll probably switch him and Paul Jenkins, or just relegate David to one book.
Are you saying Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane is a horror book? For shame!
Kirkman's an Avenger born and bred, and it's only a matter of time before Marvel realise that.
David's lost me though. I'm giving Amazing Spider-Man to Whedon, partly so he can stop embarrassing himself trying to top Morrison, and partly becaus he'd be darned good at it.
nice list.
I'd buy Action Comics, Robin And Nick Fury. maybe the Defenders.
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