In other news, I have a question. As defined by the Guardians, you know, the little floaty smurf guys, how large is a "sector"?
I know there are 3600 sectors, and apparently there are going to be two Green Lanterns per sector, but how much ground are we talking about covering here?
I've got this basic time-wasting project planned, where I try to make teams I want to see in both universes, so I'm trying to decide whether an Earth-oriented team could count on a Green Lantern to be there, or whether the G.L. would be too busy with space duties to be a more than an emergency member. Side note: Captain Picard just told Q "I need you!" Creepy.
Back on topic. Anyone have any information? We talking light years? Parsecs? Galaxies?
Outer Space continues to be a relatively unexplored frontier. Vote Alex Ludd for President, and I'll see to it that our space program is vastly improved. Neptune and/or Uranus, here we come.
Well, if you think about it, you can make sense out of it to a certain degree.
You can assume Oa is at the center of the sectors, and they radiate outwards from that planet.
3600 is easily taken from 360 degrees for a full circle. So, there are 10 sectors for every degree from Oa.
Problems arise when other variables come into play, such as the fact that the universe is not two dimensional. That leads us not to think that 10 secotrs radiate outwards like spokes on a wheel, but rather that there maybe one sector depth per degree and the 10 sectors stack in a line cylindrically. Perhaps taking a plane from the equator of Oa and aligning five above and five below. That would at least allow for each sector to be equal in size.
The biggest problem is that we know that the sectors do not cover the entire universe. There are areas the Green Lanterns are not supposed to go, as seen in Recharge, so are they included in the charts or does that define an outer edge of a circle of territory?
How large the covered area in these sectors depends on that outer border, and that is impossible to tell without knowing actual locations. Where is Oa exactly, and where are the banned zones?
Of course, I'm thinking much in line with Star Trek in how I break things up into nice even chunks of space. For all I know the Guardians may have just randomly drawn squigles of crayon on their starcharts and stuck numbered stickers in the open spaces...
Still, 3600 sectors would have to be made with some idea of order so they are kept...well...in order. Also, 7200 Lanters is one nice galactic police force should they all be summoned to fight at once.
And Picard told Q he needed him becuase Q was acting out of character and forced Picard to face the Borg, and potentially dooming the Alpha Quadrant.
Yeah, I'm a crazy trekkie...
So am I. That was a great episode.
And yeah, I'm pretty sure that the sectors aren't standardized... But I could be wrong.
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