Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Green Lantern Corps Deployment

This needs to be quick. I've got 28 papers to grade looming, and a 5:30 wake-up so I can go mist-net birds. Fun. Actually, that last one may be fun, if it weren't so bloody early.

Anyway, I was thinking about my post from last night, and how much ground Lanterns have to cover. I could buy that the Guardians may not have any set size for their sectors. But just for kicks, I assumed they did. I also went with the theory of the universe being 15 billion years old, and that the universe expanded equally in all directions, making a giant sphere, with a radius of 15 billion light years.

Working from the formula of V(of a sphere)=(4/3)(pi)(r^3), and dividing the result (1.413716694 x 10^31) by the number of sectors (3600), I achieve the result of. . .

3.926990817 x 10^27 light years, or 1.20459841 x 10^27 parsecs per sector. So 6.022992051 x 10^26 parsecs per Green Lantern.

Wow. That is a hell of a lot of ground to cover. They must have warp-gates or something to get around. Still, I would think counting on a Green Lantern to be a consistent member of a team based on Earth, would be a mistake.

I'm sure it's not actually that much, as centurion pointed out there are places Lanterns don't go, so that would probably subtract from the total, but still.

Oh, and props to Centurion and Diamondrock for recognizing the Star Trek: The Next Generation quote I cited yesterday. Q is awesome. "Very clever, Worf. Eat any good books lately?"


Centurion said...

That IS a lot of ground to cover, but if I remember right the Lanterns can sort of 'warp' for speedy travel in space.

Also, tonight was one of those rare episodes with the dress uniforms, glitter and all.

CalvinPitt said...

Yeah, I remember Hal using some kind of "warp-gate to get to Oa for something in the one Green Lantern comic I had from the '80s. I wonder whther the rings do that, or if the Guardians just set them up here and there, like stargates?