But there was something about Sasha that kept picking at me. I couldn't figure it out, but I knew she looked familiar to me. "Well, you've probably seen this cover for months in the Previews, and in the advertisements in DC books, that's why," you might say. But,I was positive there was something else to it. Yesterday, while thinking ahead to Adult Swim that would be coming that night, I finally occurred to me. Something about that picture makes her look a lot like Major Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex to me.
This is not a problem for me in any way, nor do I think it's intentional, though if Bejermo is making an homage, that'd be pretty cool. More likely it's just my brain making weird connections. For all I know, I'm the only person who thinks this. I'll show you a picture of Major Kusanagi, and you can tell if you think there's something to this. I tried to pick the wallpaper I had that I thought did the best job demonstrating this.

But there are similarities between the two when I think about it.
Kusanagi: Human mind in entirely prosthetic body, one of the best available no doubt.
Sasha: Nearly went full OMAC, which would have made her one of the most high-tech things on the planet, no doubt.
Kusanagi: Has demanding boss.
Sasha: Has demanding boss.
Kusanagi: Dozens of successful campaigns in war and for Public Security Section 9 earns her respect of her colleagues/unit.
Sasha: Dozens of succesful campaigns for Checkmate, including smashing Brother Eye, earns her respect of her colleagues/unit (I'm inferring some of this based on her standing in Max Lord's Checkmate).
Kusanagi: Works for mostly unknown (by public) national security agency, which has to deal with risks of being shutdown by those with more clout in the goverment it's responsible to (Japanese goverment).
Sasha: Works for mostly unknown (by public) global security agency, which has to deal with risk of losing approval from those with the clout in the goverment it's responsible to (U.N. Security Council).
Kusanagi: Has enemy who uses influence within the governing body of her agency to shield himself (Gouda - No, not the cheese!).
Sasha: Has enemy which uses influence within the governing body of her agency to shield themselves (Kobra).
Kusanagi: Appears to be heading for conflict with boy she's loved since childhood, doesn't even know it (doomed romance).
Sasha: Appears to have been romantically involved with Batman (definition of "doomed romance").
Again, I'm not saying they used Kusanagi as a basis for the character Sasha Bordeaux. It's just that cover image tripped something in my head, and when I figured out what it was, all these similarities started to occur to me. And I don't even know much about Sasha beyond what I listed up there. And most of this is from Checkmate #1 and the OMAC Project Special.
Good observations, but until Alan or Amanda starts acting like Aramaki I'm not going to worry.
Then again, if they start riding around in Fuchikoma or Tachikoma I will start worrying.
Ghost in the Shell is one of the best animated productions, ever, in my opinion.
What if Alan uses his powers to make something that LOOKS like a tachikoma?
Can he even do that? I've never been clear on his powers.
Alan Scott still has powers--half of Checkmate has powers, half doesn't. There's a lot of dichotomy built into its infrastructure. (That's more "big words" than I'm used to writing.)
As for Sasha looking like the Major on the cover of issue #1... well, I first had that thought a week after I saw that cover for the first time. The Major is a really good model to use in this regard. If this actually happens in the series, I'll applaud because it avoids the almost obligatory modeling of Sasha after Tara Chase from Rucka's Queen and Country.
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