Wonder Girl looks. . . older, by more than a year. Maybe it's the jeans. I'd say she has reason to be mad at Tim, based on Robin, he wasn't there for her when she needed him. I wonder, right as Cyborg woke up, K.D. and Ravager were talking about Tim trying hard to find a friend. Someone who had been a Titan. I tend to discount the "one of his best friends" comment, because how the hell would either of them know? My gut response is they meant Batgirl, because I'm sure Ravager hasn't forgotten the beatdown she got from Cass, that ended with her own sword in her throat, which might explain the "bitch" comment. I'd also say Tim has completed his descent in Batman-esque "doing weird and ethically questionable stuff without consulting with the potentially affected loved ones".
I guess the Brotherhood of Evil is OK though, and I'd said I'd give it three issues, so I will, but this was not very good. 1.5 out of 5.

So Annihilus has at least one guy, this Ravenous fellow, that is on par with a Herald. Actually, it sounds like there's at least two, since there are apparently multiple search teams looking for Heralds. So that's some serious power on his side, in addition to sheer numbers. I'm thinking someone is going to have to rally the Kree, Skrulls, Shi'ar, the Ovoids, whoever's out there, if this is going to be stopped. Not a big fan of Arlem's art. I know we're supposed to be viewing a war of sorts, so some grittiness is expected, but it's still Outer Space, couldn't it look a little prettier?
I think my prediction for Thanos' role may have been off-base. Yet, early it still is! I may yet be proven to be far-seeing! Decent introductory issue, 3 out of 5.

I am more impressed with Frank's soon-to-be opponent after this issue. Clearly just the sort of no-nonsense ass-kicker needed to challenge Castle. He does have his goofy side, in darkly pornographic way, so he kind of reminds me of the Russian. This is not a bad thing, as long as there are no giant boobs. Again, I'm surprised to see myself type such a thing.
The C.E.O.'s trophy wife frightens me. 4 out of 5.

And for some people's (not mine) enjoyment, Dazzler gets burned! Or zapped. Something like that. And why is Black Tom back to normal? He was all tree guy the last time I saw him. This is going to tie in to House of M and Onslaught Reborn isn't it?
It was nice to see that X-Factor isn't the only group investigating what happened to mutants. Or planning to investigate, when they stop getting beaten up by every third-rate villain around. Of course, they have to get by the Illuminati to solve the puzzle, and that won't be. . . oh, right. Never mind. Shouldn't be any difficulty. Was Pete Wisdom's comment about how hard it is for him to give up smoking a backhand shot at Marvel's (Quesada's?) "no smoking, no drinking, but evisceration is OK" rule? If so, I whole-heartedly approve.
Things are happening in this book. 4 out of 5.

I'll call it right now, Phil Urich doesn't survive the end of this title. He's going to hear the Hobgoblin is on the loose, figure it's some imposter, and go after him. Even with his amped up powers, he still treats it like a game and Kingsley is going to skin him alive, no problem. I think the Scriers may regret setting Hobby loose, based on the look on that one guy's face as Kingsley walked out of the prison, it was very "Holy shit! I better not make this dude mad!"
I'm not sure what it says that May is feeling all this anxiety over the premonition she saw of herself being killed, and so to combat the anxiety she switches to her black costume, because she wasn't wearing it in the vision. I am pretty sure it indicates a lack of thinking things through as I would imagine a premonition could be somewhat colored by the eyes of the person seeing it. Of course, i could just be talking out of my ass. Still, it seems to have taken care of some of her doubts, and that's good, can't be having doubts with Hobgoblin back on the block.
I forsee May having problems with her friend Courtney, as Courtney's boyfriend, Moose, keeps turning to May for advice instead of Courtney, and even saying so to Courtney. 4.5 out of 5, for the badass Hobgoblining alone.
I flipped through Teen Titans and decided in the end to skip it. I guess I just don't feel like it was time to move past the original members yet and experiment with strange and daring rosters.
Oh, and I bought Moon Knight. It was worth it. I don't know much about Marc Spector, but this issue has me intrigued and willing to learn more.
I'm always up for strange and daring super-team rosters - as long as they don't involve Luke Cage or Wolverine.
Besides, I wanna see Miss Martian!!
jim: I'm with you on the roster shuffle. Especially considering the last 18 issues have basically been one tie-in with a mega-event after another. It feels like it's been forever since they were just dealing with Titans stuff, instead of Infinite Crisis stuff.
And I will be trying to find a Moon Knight.
fortress keeper: I have no problem with Luke Cage, and if they would just limit Wolverine to ONE team, specifically one that operates in shadows like a S.H.I.E.L.D. squad or something, that'd be OK.
A guy with his track record should NOT be on a public team like the Avengers.
On the topic of Wolverine guest-appearances ... I was amazed to read Young Avengers #11 this week and find Wolverine in the background. He wasn't the star, he didn't save the day; he was just there. I was seriously impressed.
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