Thursday, July 17, 2008

I'll Buy "Secret Passages" For 5000 Pesatas, Alex

Earlier this week, I managed to get through the "Assignment Ada" mission on Resident Evil 4, something I hadn't accomplished in prior three or four attempts. I'm not entirely sure what went right this time. I guess I took my time and tried not to waste too many shots*. Krauser was a real pain, even using that little trick I saw on G4 years ago. Anyway, I beat it, unlocked the "Chicago Typewriter"**, and I've been reaping the benefits of that bad boy on numerous occasions, usually boss battles, but sometimes when the overwhelming number of enemies tries my sense of patience and fair play***.

What I'm thinking about today, though, is the Merchant. If you've played the game, you know who I mean. Obscures half of his face behind a cloth, has a big coat - which he is only too happy too fling open and show you what's underneath - usually has two lamps with blue flames to mark his sales location. And no matter where you go in the game, you'll come across him eventually. That's what I'm wondering about. How does he get ahead of you? How is it that you can fight enemies in the location just before you reach him, and in the location just beyond one of his shops, but the infected never seem to hassle him?

As to the first, I can only assume he's from the region (though his accent seems more British Isles than Iberian peninsula, which is where I think the game takes place), or familiar enough that he knows all sorts of shortcuts and passages through the area. Those do exist, one of the letters you find in the game mentions that Sera (a fellow you meet early on who tries to help you) must be evading their patrols using passages he learned from his grandfather. So the same is likely true for our capitalistic friend.

Still, to set up shop must take some time, so we return again to the question of how he escapes attack. I would almost say he doesn't escape attack, that he instead relies on his wares to defend himself, but that would probably cause Saddler and his minions to take a more active interest in finding and eliminating Merchant. He could have been infected, but possess some natural immunity to the parasites. Saddler would think he was just another brainless sycophant, and the Merchant is probably clever enough to play that role if necessary, but the rest of the time, he can be himself, and do and go where he pleases without issue. After all, the peasants were going about the lives, farming and feeding chickens until Leon Kennedy entered the village. Of course, that might lead Saddler to try and exert control over the Merchant to have him set up shop, then attack Leon when he comes by.

Another possibility is Merch is playing both sides. While most of your enemies (the human ones anyway) rely on farm implements as weapons, there are a few using something a bit more advanced than a scythe. Dynamite is common, crossbows become a regular feature by Chapter 2, stun batons, body armor, the occasional mini-gun user. Saddler could be getting that equipment through the U.S. government, via Krauser****, or he could be getting it from Mr. "What're Ya Buyin'?". That might explain why your enemies use different weapons from you, as he sells different merchandise to keep his double-dealing (war profiteering?) below the radar. That's the one I like the best.

If you've got an idea, throw it out there. As for me, I've been abruptly called away for a few days. Should be back by Tuesday at the latest. This is the part where we have the usual blahdeblah about sporadic posting until then. Toodles.

* Though there was quite a bit of that when I tried to escape the lab with the 5th Plaga sample, only to be confronted by two of those armored giants, both sporting large axes. Probably should have just tried running past them from the start, rather than wasting so many bullets.

** An Thompson sub-machine gun with infinite ammo, and pretty impressive killing power.

*** Playing through the game with the Tommy Gun for the first time, I find I've turned to it more often now that I found Ashley and have to protect her. I suppose I just don't feel I can't risk letting them get in range and bash her with a mace, or grab her and retreat.

**** Or perhaps Umbrella. I think Krauser might have been working for them, playing at being Saddler's ally, while really still being loyal to the USA. I'll remember once I make it that far in the game again.

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