Sunday, September 27, 2009

I Wasn't The Only One Unprepared For Comics

Calvin: Well, I don't know where Adorable Baby Panda is. I called and left a message about the comics being here. Let's just move forward as best we can, OK?

I have to Applaud Deadpool for stopping the pirates, and giving Bob a big chest of gold. I think I'm gonna have to smack Bob for not choosing to stay on the island with Kalani. Oh, you think it uncouth of me to suggest he forget his wife? Divorce, people! What? Oh, right, we're talking about Marvel. Deal with Shuma-Gorath, then. I'm thinking Applause for Temugin, Jimmy Woo, heck everybody in Agents of Atlas. I mean, Bob and M-11 destroyed M-23, Gorilla Man at least tried to get M-11 fired up for the fight, Venus decked Jade Claw, it's all good. And now, all gone. *sobs*

I'd like to give Ragdoll a Bonk, but I'm afraid he'd enjoy that. What the hell, creepy little bugger. I think Scandal and Jeanette could probably both use Hugs, what with their sanities in question right now. Bane needs a Bonk. Bane, prison is not your friend! Do not start getting loopy, especially when you haven't even taken any Venom yet! I'm giving Sihing some Applause for taking up the mantle of Dog Brother #1, and trying to keep his friend safe. I'd give him a hug, but I don't think he needs it. Jack Flag needs a Hug, certainly. Monark Starslayer has to get a Bonk. Dude helped Ego gets its act together even faster than it was already going to! Sure, he didn't mean for that to happen - or did he? - but he's still an ass. I'd give Power Girl's cat a Hug, for surviving a bath, but I'm worried what I might catch from it. Shona - that's one of three alien ladies that Power Girl's gonna have to contend with - gets some Applause. Ah, I see you are confused. Well, to pay for a $25 cab ride, she gave the driver a decent-sized diamond, which I assume is worth more than the cost of the ride. Assuming he can sell it somewhere and get a decent price, that's quite a tip.

I think that covers -

Adorable Baby Panda: Wait!

Calvin: Where have you been? I'm almost finished!

ABP: What?! Why didn't you wait for me to get here?

Calvin: Dude, I can't wait all day, I'm a busy man!

ABP: What were you going to do, play more Madden?

Calvin: And maybe read a little! And perhaps talk a pleasant evening walk! Look, just look over what I said, and add where you find it necessary.

ABP: Let's see. You're hitting Bane? He didn't do anything wrong!

Calvin: He said the prison Jeanette was in sounded wonderful. Dude needs to get his head on straight, and I don't think a hug will work for him.

ABP: You said Bob should ditch his wife?

Calvin: Not ditch, divorce. Amicably, if possible, so they can both move forward.

ABP: I'm not hitting him for staying faithful! I'm Applauding him!

Calvin: Fine, condemn he and his wife to a life of misery.

ABP: But, they have all that gold Deadpool gave him!

Calvin: Yeah, right. Bob probably gave half of it to Kalani, and he'll find some way to get fleeced out of the rest on his trip home. Probably get captured by more pirates.

ABP: No he, yeah, I guess he will. I thought you were a romantic?

Calvin: Not on Sundays. It's my designated Pessimist Day.

ABP: Oh. Well, now that I'm here, what should we do?

Calvin: Wanna go for a walk? We can look at clouds and trees and stuff, and talk about how humans are destroying the world.

ABP: What?

Calvin: Pessimist Day, remember?

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