Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Might As Well Enjoy The Crossovers

If you've looked at DC's solicits for February, did you notice Secret Six is having a crossover for the 2nd month in a row? First it was Action Comics, now it's Doom Patrol. I don't look at the sales figures anymore (it was too depressing seeing every title I bought near the cancellation line), but I'd imagine there's a hope for sales boosting involved.

What the heck, though. If it's gonna happen, might as well run with it. What other DC titles would you like to see Secret Six crossover to? I'll cast my vote for Booster Gold, since that could mean the Sis in a time-travel adventure. They're already visiting dimensions with dinosaurs and neverending day, why not the future? Scandal could run into her daddy again, I'm sure she'd love that. Course, she could do that in the past as well, but Skartaris is like being in the past, technology-wise anyway, so let's go a different route. Take them off Earth while their at it. Imagine Ragdoll interacting with aliens, perhaps ones who have never met Earthlings.

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