Saturday, November 25, 2006

Only Took Seven Months

While I haven't been reading it, I have skimmed through 52 pretty much every week. I haven't had much in the way of reactions, mostly because things seem so disjointed. I'm still waiting for some follow-up on "Hawkgirl is 20 feet tall!" from, what Week 4? But finally - finally! - they gave me a moment that really intrigued me.

I speak of Luthor unveiling his Jade right in front of the JSA headquarters, and in front of Alan Scott and Obsidian. Just seeing the name "jade", you just knew something was gonna go down, especially given that one of the parties it would offend is periodically insane.

I was a little disappointed that Obsidian didn't go on a a Batman-esque face-wrecking rampage, but I guess physical violence isn't really Todd's style.

Gotta give points to Luthor though. Makes his squad of doofuses look good, and the old guard look bad. And does it so very smoothly.

Final thought:

So this whole metahuman gene therapy thing seems to be the DC Universe's version of Mutant Growth Hormone (which was a Morrison concept, right?), and given that we know it wears off after a time, and can be deactivated, is Luthor trying to make an army of people addicted to super-powers, all bound to his will? That seems a bit too obvious, but given Luthor's desire for power, not out of the question.


Diamondrock said...

Luthor is nothing if not SMOOTH.

And Luthor's got a plan, no doubt. The problem is that it's probably a plan so brilliant that normals like you and me can't comprehend it, let along CONCEIVE of it.

Which means that Grant Morrison is probably its architect. Because in some regions of the world crazy = brilliant.

SallyP said...

Yeah, that Luthor, what a prince. Flaunting a new heroine named "Jade" in front of the old one's parent and brother. Of COURSE they got pissed. I imagine that Luthor planned for that.

CalvinPitt said...

diamondrock: Yeah, when DC needs a 12th level intellect, they turn to the 14th level bizarre.

sallyp: Oh yeah, I have no doubt it was all part of a scheme to discredit the current heroes. Luthor is an jerk like that. A smooth jerk, but still...

CalvinPitt said...

hale: What I'm wondering is: is DC doing a better job with it than marvel? 'Cause if so, I'd like Millar to switch with Palmiotti and Gray.