Friday, May 13, 2011

I'm Typing Cheese An Awful Lot Without Discussing Food

Theoretically, yesterday's post will come back up eventually. If not, I'll just have to retype it. Little annoying, but it's not as though it was the next Great Swiss Novel. No, I'm not Swiss, but I think that'll work in my favor. No one will expect an American to write a great Swiss novel.

In other news, I showed Alex Batgirl #18 (the Valentine's Day team-up with Klarion) while I was visiting. I don't think it wowed him, except for the part at the end. Now he's on the lookout for the perfect moment to exclaim "My word! A wandering pack of harlots!" This seems like a questionable idea, but he does have a way with people, so he can probably deliver it in such a way he won't get punched. It's unlikely I'll be around at the time to follow up with 'Cheese it, buckles.' Just as well. Alex doesn't wear buckles much, and it might only amuse me anyway.

I'm still partial to that phrase myself. The problem is Steph used it differently than I typically think of it. Yes, I think about the meaning of the phrase "Cheese it", what of it? She's using it like "Cool it", or "Relax". I tend to think of it as "Run away!" That's how Bender used it in that Futurama Animal House takeoff episode. Dang it, I'm getting conflicting signals from my entertainment options.

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