It's posts like this that make me wish I had a scanner. I don't know why, I don't have either of the comics I'm talking about with me, but if I did, this would be much easier. Screw it, let's rock.
Civil War #1. The heroes are bickering, when Daredevil speaks up. Putting aside for a moment the fact that no one questions who he is, let's notice his demeanor (see how a scanner would help?). Leaned casually against the wall, speaking about the upcoming conflict with what seems like eagerness, and that freaking quarter. Moving it back and forth between the fingers on his right (left?) hand, that was what reminded me of something.

Quarter-Dude then unmasks Daredevil and gets a good laugh at his being Matt Murdock.
The coin thing makes me think it's the same guy, but not owning any of the subsequent issues I had no idea who he was. We see his face at the end, and he looks kind of like Murdock, only bigger, but the reddish hair. Looking online, I found a site that listed the cast for the issue as containing Jack (amnesiac) Murdock, so my first thought was "But Matt's dad is dead!" Apparently what it meant was, DD made himself forget everything, including who he was, so he called himself Jack. As for the man with the coins? Bullseye, who then began wearing a Daredevil costume, while "Jack" Murdock became some bum.
Now Matt's in jail, and there's another Daredevil, who acts a bit odd. Even Millar isn't so terrible as to write Matt Murdock the way he wrote Daredevil in that issue, and I can't really see Iron Fist acting like that either {Edit: Guess I was wrong.}. Besides, it'd be just like Marvel to go back and reuse an old storyline. Would be cooler if it was I don't know, Bucky, or Marc Spector, just for the sheer "What the?" effect. Nobody would see that coming.
That was my guess as well (as I blurted in a comment yesterday.)
Bullseye is supposed to be in jail right now, but doesn't mean he didn't bust out in time for Civil War.
Of course, I'll only find out if you're right second-hand since I've dropped Marvel for now.
It isn't so much because of Civil War, which I do think is pretty good, but because I'm less than thrilled with what Quesada and co. have done with my favorite characters.
It's been ages since I've bought a Spidey comic, or Avengers (even before Bendis) or Fantastic Four or any of their core titles.
I just think the whole "real world" and "everything is grey" approach makes for dreary reading.
The Marvel universe is based on flawed heroes, but these days there are too many flaws and too few heroes.
Conversely, DC's heroes do seem re-energized OYL (except for Nightwing for whatever reason), and I can live with darker villains if it serves to provide greater contrast wto brighter heroes.
Whew... I'm getting long-winded in my old age.
fortress keeper: Yeah, I was quite flustered when you guessed my guess yesterday.
As for the marvel heroes, yeah, things do seem kind of unhappy these days. The less core titles seem to be doing better. Exiles has had death but it doesn't seem horribly depressing somehow. Ms. Marvel has been kind of fun. Ditto Spider-Girl.
It's probably that old story about the most fun/creativity coming with the characters the bosses don't care about (ala Claremont/Byrne X-Men), so you can tell whatever you want..
We've been screaming 'Hawkeye' at work.
But then again, we could be wrong.
I"m starting to lean towards Clint Barton in the DD costume in Civil War, though I would have no inkling as to why since they never really umm....teamed up? or even met?
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