Having heard that the Beyonder(?!) may be making a comeback sometime during Civil War (which makes me really start to think I was on to something here. The return of sentient universes? Hooboy.), my first thought was that he's going to reset everything to the way it was a few years prior, which eliminates X-Men: Deadly Genesis and and Banshee's death, along with a flock of other bad ideas. Of course that's wishful thinking.
So here's my prediction. X-Factor #25, Siryn has come to grips that her "da'" is really gone, the squad is in the middle of a battle with some squad of high-tech killers sent by Damian Tryp the Younger, who has gotten tired of X-Factor's meddling. During the battle Siryn really cuts loose, and her scream tears a hole in the fabris of reality and Banshee falls out. Surprise!
OK, so maybe it's a Sean Cassidy from an alternate universe, but it's close enough.
So let's hear your guesses.
I have no idea what the explanation will be, but it's not like any time Apocalypse is involved the events make any sense.
The Beyonder is going to pop up in Civil War?
Boy, he should make a pretty effective lobbyist for superhero legislation.
"Pass this bill or I'll stick you in a white, '80s jump-suit!"
Hrm. Well, as much as I'd like it to be tied into storyline and perhaps develop character further by reacting in a thoughtfull and unique manner by someone returning back from the dead (i.e. Kitty Pryde in Astonishing X-Men for a few panels), we're probably going to get him sort of taped in by a writer who'se already forgotten the events of Deadly Genesis.
Hoorah X-Editors!
jake: Yes, Apocalypse has decided the battle for survival is to be won by the Scots!
fortress: Don't forget the jheri curl! I know I won't.
raccoonteur: Hmm, well I guess that makes more sense. Or maybe not. Where the Beyonder is concerned I'm sure of nothing.
carla: I'm sure that'll be the truth. I don't know why marvel even has editors anymore, they don't do anything.
The Beyonder showing up in Annihilation was foreshadowed in Giffen's Thanos run, where the B-power, trapped in the body of Kubik, was revealed to be in the Kyln, which was, well, annhiliation in the prologue. In the preview pages of Silver Surfer #3, the Fallen One is out looking for her corpse in the remnants of the Kyln.
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