Tim and Cain reach the designated meeting place, whereupon Tim is ambushed by League of Assassin ninjas. Cain tells Robin to free him so he can help; Tim says no dice. Tim gets kicked in his injured shoulder (from #148), which causes him to spit blood. Yeah, I don't understand the circulatory system that allows that either.
So, we find out what Cassandra's been up to, or maybe what she's become and well. . . ugh. I'm not pleased, but I can't really work up any aggravation over it. Probably because I've been bracing myself for this kind of kick to the nuts for several months now. I mean, she's acting like a complete lunatic, raving and violent, and she wants Tim to work with her, and I don't know. I have theories, well a theory.
Oh, and they hinted at Tim Drake having a life. That's a good thing. Not enough of a good thing to overwhelm the dread I have now, so 2 out of 5.

See, they need a ship to get off the planet, and Nova initially doesn't seem inclined to help them find one. The girl makes disturbing commentary on how his new costume shows off his butt. Drax teaches us that Earthlings have a distinctive smell. Nova argues with the Worldmind. Nova decides to help them find a ship, but he's still afraid to use his powers, which is bad when large insects are trying to eat you.
Cammi makes me seriously wonder why Drax hasn't killed her yet. Ship found, they prepare to escape, but Nova must use the Nova Force if they're to succeed. Does he? DOES HE?!
And in the Worldmind files at the end, it says that Drax and Moondragon are members of Titan, a moon of Jupiter. OK, here, Titan is a moon of Saturn, so is it different in the Marvel Universe or are the writers just dumbasses? Read a freaking astronomy book, geez it doesn't even have to be a hard one!
And Quasar shows up. Clap your hands. Weaker than last month, but not bad. 3.2 out of 5.
Big fan of the bronze age Nova. Hope he appears again in a comic someday.
The tutor thing should be interesting. A nice change from Willingham's Robin which had no real non-hero life after War Games.
fortress: I'm figuring he'll get over all these doubts and fears by the end of this mini and maybe then he can get more like his old self.
Though I'd settle for the brash guy i remember from New Warrriors.
kalinara: Yeah, it's a good sign. I am a little surprised Tim would need a tutor. What it's for, advanced differential calculus?
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