One disturbing thing I noticed. Page 3, as Kara checks out her new tattoo, her reflection bears a somewhat different expression from her face (God I wish I had a scanner). Her actual face has a sort of curious look, trying to see if it's what she wanted. But the reflection has the visible eye in kind of a glare. It just doesn't look friendly. I guess that, combined with her anger issues later on, are supposed to demonstrate she still hasn't gotten rid of that dark half she had rejoined with at the end of issue #5.
I'm not sure how Kara figures that she'll be able to find Argo with something she'll find in Kandor. It does sound like they're in the bottle (though it still wouldn't explain the aliens to me, as I'd always figured Post-Crisis Krypton was fairly homogenous), so how would a city trapped in a bottle know where a city that survived destruction would be? Am I out of the loop on Kandor's current situation? Maybe her darker half is pulling her strings, trying to escape.
I'm not sure why Power Girl would say their powers are limited. Is it because they've been shrunk down, or some aspect of the environment? Maybe the Fortress got damaged, and only a few rays of golden sun are peeking through the holes into the city?
Does anyone know what that tattoo actually says? I don't speak Kryptonian, nor do I read it.
I have to say the strongest part of the issue is Rucka's writing of the Power Girl/Supergirl relationship. Giving Karen the role of the calmer, wiser mentor, who has to remind this somewhat erratic girl that A) These people have been treated pretty badly by Kryptonians, and aren't likely to feel friendly towards them, B) Flamebird and Nightwing are supposed to be helping these people, not breaking their bones and flash frying them, and C) It is way too easy for Supergirl to do B, if she doesn't stay under control. It really was nice, after watching her kind of get led around by this person or that during Infinite Crisis. Is she portrayed like this in JSA? Some guy gave pratically the entire run to Ken to sell, I might have to pick up some of it. I think Supergirl's fighting in a way actually ties back in to that speech Superman made in issue #5 where he told Supergirl that he grew into his powers, had time to understand them and to realize he had to hold back a lot, which Kara didn't have the benefit of. Not surprisingly, she's still having trouble with that a year later, especially with her having more of a temper than Clark. You know, if I had thrown "closet lesbian" in after "Power Girl/Supergirl", I'd probably get a lot more hits. Ah well.
Given that I've admitted that art often outweighs story for me in a comic, you might believe I was disappointed in the art. Not really. I was pretty satisfied with Ed Benes' art. It looks pretty, Kara appears to have started to eat - guess it just took her some time to adjust to Earth food - but just a few too many shots from butt angle, when there seemed to be no need for that. Cannot believe I just typed that. *Sigh* does that mean I'm maturing?
After memorable appearances in Superman and LSH, I was hoping Kara OYL would have matured a bit in her own book...
Instead, it's more like it's one minute later after Supergirl #5.
If this is building up to "kid still traumatized by losing everything," fine. But enough of the hidden darkness crap (which was alluded to in more scenes than the you mentioned).
And, to be honest, I was a bit dismayed to see the characterlying naked on a table in the intial scene. I thought she was supposed to be around 16!
Anyway, I agree with you about Power Girl. She was cool. They should give her a book of her own - "breast signal" and all.
Was I reading Supergirl #6 or a porn magazine? Honestly. Seeing a 16 yr old lying on a table half-naked? And all the but shots. And Power Girls Massive Tits. Not really for the straight female reader's interest.
I actually met Greg Rucka at the Toronto Comic Convention, and I expected a better storyline. Them running around and fighting just didn't do it for me this time.
Honestly, dedicate a damn comic book just to Power Girl's boobs!! They take up half of each pg anyhow, they deserve their own comic series.
I hate how they're treating Supergirl. A different writer and artist every single issue and the issues only come out once every 2 months!! Gosh, she deserves more than that, the poor girl of steel.
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