In this same vein, I'm guessing that Kyle/Ion isn't as powerful now as he was then, right? Because he only got back the "Ion-power" he "gave" to Jade (that really is pretty lame that her power was just a gift from him). Most of that power went into recreating the Central Power Battery, right? So how much more powerful than a normal Green Lantern can he be? Jade seemed to be weaker than most GLs, so Kyle shouldn't be more than twice as powerful, right? Or is it an exponential increase, or related to the amount of will the wearer has?
Finally, does the fact that Jade "gave" the power back to Kyle, saying it was his, imply Kyle isn't actually using a Power Ring? It seems to be suggesting that Kyle has an internal power, more like Alan Scott, and that for him the ring was merely a tool to bring out and focus what he already possessed. That would mean Kyle had always possessed some sort of energy manipulation ability, he just didn't know it/couldn't use it. Giving him the last Power Ring might make a bit more sense under those circumstances.
Or maybe I'm just thinking too hard. Trying to make sense out of something that prominently involves Green Lantern:Rebirth and Rann-Thanagar War Special is probably just asking for a headache.
All this shows me is how badly Jade's been written over the years. Poor woman never had a chance...
It's actually pretty well explained. See, he wasn't using the Parallax power. He was using the power stolen by Hal from the Central Battery.
That was what was released when Hal died. Oblivion was merged with it, so when Kyle ate his split personality he got that power.
There really wasn't a danger of corruption because that was just the great battery's power which he then put back. :-)
fortress: Yeah, I suppose so. Just one in a long line of characters that never found the proper writer.
kalinara: Okey-doke. Pretty much all I knew about it was from JLA, so I didn't really know all that much. Which I why it's good I know so many Green Lantern fans out here in the blogosphere.
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