I kind of wonder if that's ever going to be resolved, or if Marvel will just leave them in a state of disarray. Hmm, maybe Emperor Super Skrull?

I suppose part of the problem is that he used his webshooters to launch them, and maybe that doesn't work as well with organic webs. Of course, that was something he'd figured out later, originally he just threw them (I'm not sure how accurate something like that would really be), so that shouldn't be a problem. Then I figured it out.
He tended to use his spider-tracers to follow villains. You know how it goes: Electro steals something, Spidey shows up, they fight, Electro endangers civilians, Spidey rescues them, but Electro escapes, civilians throw things at Spidey and call him a menace, Spidey misses class, etc. Fortunately, Spidey tossed a handy-dandy tracer on Sparky, so now he can find him later and stop him.
Unfortunately, Spidey's enemies no longer commit crimes. Everything they do is some grandiose revenge scheme against Spidey. He doesn't need to track them down because they always come to him. Something Marvel definitely needs to look into fixing. You know, as soon as they finish having Peter fight other heroes.
I noticed the August cover for Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man has Mysterio on the cover. I hope that it's Quentin Beck, and not that guy that bought the costume at the end of Spider-Man and the Black Cat. Man, that story needs to be wiped out of existence immediately.
Unfortunately, Spidey's enemies no longer commit crimes.
... oh my god. You're RIGHT! Does anyone just rob a bank anymore?
Don't you know all super-villains were part of a plot engineered by Norman Osborne to keep heroes from bringing down the dirty capitalist system?
Of course they don't rob banks. They're tools of THE MAN!
That doesn't mean that Spidey shouldn't throw a tracer now and then though...
And I would love to sit at the corporate meeting where villains are assigned heroes. OK, Hypno-Hustler gets Spider-Man *snicker*.
carla: Apparently villains are under the misunderstanding that all the money in the world is hidden inside Spider-Man.
fortress keeper: Yeah, I try real hard to forget that part of Millar's story, just like how I try to forget the former Scorpion is now the new Venom.
Personally, I think it was just the Parker luck that Pete would get to a disco the Hypno Hustler was at. I bet he was supposed to be a Luke Cage/Iron Fist enemy. Disco versus Blaxploitation and Kung-Fu! Can you HANDLE IT?!
Dude, Mysterio is my favorite Marvel villain. The name. The powers. The costume. He should *so* be in DC...
diamondrock: Never! DC couldn't handle the awesomeness of Mysterio's giant Fishbowl Helmet!
Besides, Marvel's at a distinct lack for good villains these days (probably why the heroes are going to fight each other), so we can't go around giving them away.
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