Thursday, October 19, 2006

Just A Ray Of Cute, Here To Kill Your Pancreas

So many comics, so much joy for one Adorable Baby Panda. Oh, where to begin?

A Good Friend: This one is for "Mayday" Parker, who in between working at a shelter for abused women, running for Student Council President, and stopping Hobgoblin-related gang activity, still finds time to shoot hoops with Davida, help Courtney through relationship troubles, look at Jimmy Yama's absurd Spider-Girl comic, and give the son of Flash Thompson pity dates. Such responsibility and compassion is a great lesson for ABP about caring for others.

Comics Fashion, part 1: ABP loved the Hobgoblin combining his hood and mask with a conservative green business suit. More discreet, and yet still effective. Will this become standard battle fare for Roderick Kingsley?

Small-Timer's Coming Up Large: To Redshift, for a) recognizing the need to clear a path to the escape ships and b) for -along with Stardust - delaying the destruction of Daedalus 5. I couldn't tell ABP anything about this former Herald, but much like Bill Foster, he took this opportunity to shine to heart.

To Being Out Of The Loop: When Nova wanted to warn Earth of the approaching Annihilation Wave, who did he send his info-log to? Reed Richards, because Nova's been in space and doesn't know Reed's a SHIELD lapdog now. It speaks to what Reed once was, and could be again. ABP holds out hope for Mr. Fantastic.

Comics Fashion, part 2: ABP is very curious about how Gamora's outfit functions. The current Panda hypothesis is that there's two sided tape and anti-gravity generators involved. Personally, I'm at a loss to explain it myself, but she must know the same people as the pre-Infinite Crisis Phantom Lady. Anybody want to help a Curious Baby Panda out?

Multi-Species Solidarity: It raised ABP's hopes to see a Kree (Ronan), a Skrull (Kl'rt) and a Negative Zone inhabitant being willing to work together to get the Kree military back in line. Why can't the heroes of Earth learn from them?

Madcap Smart-Arsedness: This was actually touch-and-go. ABP is now an avid fan of "Nightcap with Wade Wilson". However, he does not approve of shooting people in the back, especially not one of your friends. Adorable Baby Pandas prefer to talk out their differences and if that fails, then smack the person in the face with a kendo stick. It is, after all, the Panda Way. Also, ABP thinks Wade needs a zipper on his mask, so he can more readily eat popcorn and drink coffee.

Taking A Second Look: To Arana, for having doubts about being a government-controlled super-hero. Remember, Adorable Baby Pandas love "fair and balanced", and if you're having doubts, it hopefully means you're considering both sides.

The rest of Ms. Marvel #8 just left ABP sad and confused. I know the feeling. Fortunately, we wrapped up with X-Factor #12, and that's always good for lifting spirits.

Mouthy Precog To The Rescue!: To Layla Miller, for saving Alix Buchanan. For once again throwing a wrench in Singularity's plans (though not as big as the one Jamie threw). For presrcibing a nice glass of milk for a person in shock.

Crazy Dupes: To Jamie, because baby panda's like big explosions, as long as there's a good reason. Boy, was there ever a good reason.

And finally,

For Learning From Your Mistakes: A kevlar collar? Bravo, Siryn, bravo.


thekelvingreen said...

Why can't the heroes of Earth learn from them?
Because it's a much kewler story if Thor goes nuts and kills a black guy.

Oh wait...

"If you were human, I'd call you brother." Oh, it's so much better, isn't it?

CalvinPitt said...

kelvin: Yes. yes it is.