Friday, February 23, 2007

I Will Not Kiss Any Ouchies

So yeah, Adorable Baby Panda was messing around and had an accident. But it's OK, because I had pirate band-aids! So Adorable Baby Panda is perfectly able to render judgement on the comics of the week. And there's gonna be spoilers, I'm certain of that.

Bonk - Kingpin's Assassin. How dare you shoot an old lady! Have you no shame! Even Deadpool wouldn't do that! {That's right! Well, I might. How much was Kingpin paying him?}

Bonk - Weasel. You helped the Rhino shrink Wade down with Pym Particles, after all the times that Wade hasn't killed you? What kind of a pal are you? {Aw, it isn't so bad. I still caught the Rhino, and Weeze shared his beer with me.}

Hug - Conrad. Just a commodities banker who pciks up the tab for lame supervillains, and you got your nose broke by the Three Inch High Merc Guy. {Can I get some business cards that say that? Probably not. The Inch High Private Eye's lawyers would sue you.} But maybe next time you'll know better than to go along with peer pressure to pick on someone smaller than you.

Applause - Deadpool. You stopped the Rhino from rampaging by talking to him. Then you caught him. And you finagled yourself free drinks at the Three Strikes Bar for a month, all while miniaturized. Bravo. {Hey thanks, can I have a job? Wade, I told you last week, we'll call you when we've got something for you!}

Bonk - Orson Randall. Bad enough you kill people with the Iron Fist, and make a man give you his clothes. Then you barge into Danny Rand's building and start drinking his liquor. {Who do you think you are, Tony Stark?} And you didn't ask Danny if he wanted a glass, either! {Because Danny punched him as soon as he saw him, ABP. Hey! Don't you criticize the cute little guy's reasons! Premature punching is a tool of the trade!}

Bonk - Brother Davos. Motivation through fear is not really approved of by Panda Management. So being nice and encouraging to the HYDRA folks who work for you could probably garner better results. {Remember, they're HYDRA. By nature their confidence is low due to their frequent losses.}

Applause - Midnight Rider, Acheron, Warlock's Daughter. Blue Devil asked for people willing to charge into Hell, and you three answered. May not be very smart, but you're brave, and helpful, and so that's got to count for something. {Though maybe not against Etrigan. Hmm, I think I can get you some help. ABP, where's that card Deadpool gave you with his contact number?}

Applause - Bagman. You were doing a really good job scrubbing the floors of your prison. Keep it up. {I think ABP's being sarcastic.}

ABP's being kind of a mean-spirited little panda this week. I better fetch some ice cream, and while I do that, howzabout you offer up your picks, and ABP can respond after the mood is lightened a bit?


Marc Burkhardt said...

How about a break-the-fourth-wall bonk for Mark Millar and Joe Quesada?

You know why.

SallyP said...

A triple bonk to Tony Stark. And then a kick in the nads.

Sorry, I'm feeling a wee bit testy.

Derek said...

How about some applause for Robin?

That had to have been the least disrupted date a superhero's ever been on.

And a hug for Barbara Gordon. The Birds are a mess right now, and there's nothing worse than a rival getting the better of you.

CalvinPitt said...

fortress: Done and done.

sallyp: Gleefully done.

carla: Consider Reed bonked into next year. Then he can see his "futurist" plans stank.

derek: Well, I wasn't too happy with Robin last summer, but ABP says that was Adam Beechen's fault, so sure, hugs for Tim Drake. And hugs for Oracle too, plus a promise to take care of Spy Smasher as necessary.

CalvinPitt said...

carla: You have to be bombarded by cosmic radiation (which you yourself altered at the beginning of the universe), and then your "future sense" will kick in.

Besides, pandas exist outside time, so Reed's efforts are for naught! Mwa ha ha ha ha!