Sunday, September 23, 2007

He Can't Be That Misplaced, Can He?

First off, thanks to everyone who's commented on yesterday's post so far. I'm finding it very interesting, because it sounds like everybody's store of choice does things a little bit differently, and it must work, since they're still in business, so that's pretty cool. If you haven't read and contributed to that post, well, what are you waiting for? Don't hold back on us! 

As for today's subject, I have a two-part question: Is there anyone who likes Geo-Force, and more critically, is there anyone who likes Geo-Force as part of the JLA? I ask because, damn, everybody seems incredulous/annoyed that he's on the roster. Now, maybe that was because Meltzer did a poor job of justifying Geo-Force's presence. I haven't read Justice League so I can't say, but I wouldn't really be surprised if that was the case. 

 I mean, if Geo-Force can be helpful (which is something the character is reliant on the writer to demonstrate), then why can't he be in the Justice League? For the record, I don't care about Geo-Force one way or the other, I've just noticed the response to his presence seems overwhelmingly negative, even by comicsblogowhatchamafloogle standards, so I thought I'd ask.


Jason said...

Not having read a lot of books that GF is in (though I just picked up the Batman & The Outsiders Showcase, so my opinion may change), here's my uneducated opinion. The dude's boring. I mean, he wears a brown costume for pete's sake. He doesn't have anything that sets him apart from generic superhero #26. He's not funny, he's not "edgy", the only interesting thing about him is that his sister (Terra) was interesting. There's a long line of second-stringers joining the JLA, but they all had a hook. Firestorm looked cool, Blue Beetle and Booster were funny and Bloodwynd was a sad attempt at edgy. GeoForce ain't got nothing, even his powers are boring.

SallyP said...

I find Geoforce to be rather interesting. Not personally of course, he's snotty, opinionated and frankly, rather dull. However, I think that the League works best when they have at least ONE obnoxious character,and for me, Geoforce fills that category.

I've always enjoyed having terrible things happen to the arrogant character...which is probably why Hal Jordan getting hit in the head always makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

I like Geo-Force.


CalvinPitt said...

jason: Yeah, I don't really know anything about him, other than he's royalty (or he was). If that Showcase sheds any light on his personality, let me know.

sallyp: I agree, every team needs a character that people don't like. The one I personally remember most was Iceman during Joe Casey's really brief stint on Uncanny X-Men. I'd never been as interested in Bobby Drake as I was then, when he was acting like a jerk, and saying stupid things to his teammates.

dan coyle: That's what I like to hear! There are no bad characters, only poorly-written ones, or something like that.

What I'd like to know is WHY Meltzer put Geo-Force in Justice League. I can't imagine it was an edict from on high, so why would he pick someone that doesn't have any JLA history (that I'm aware of), then do absolutely nothing to show all the people who are undecided about Geo-Force that yes, he does belong here? It makes no sense, which I suppose is an indictment of Meltzer's writing.

Unless Meltzer wanted people to not like Geo-Force, but again, why?

Anonymous said...

Meltzer's a huge fan of "The Judas Contract", he even wrote a semi-creepy essay about his obession with Terra years ago.

I think that's as far as his thought processes got on the matter, since he had always planned to leave at issue #12 and leave a bunch of plotlines hanging, because that's what guys like Len Wein, Marty Pasko, and Gerry Conway used to do in the old days.

Wait, no they didn't.

Matthew said...

I haven't been reading JLA, but doesn't the GA/BC Wedding Special shed some light on things?

CalvinPitt said...

dan coyle: He likes a story about the guy's sister, and that's why put the character in the story? Ugh, I guess I'll have to see if Meltzer had any notches left he could drop in my opinion of him.

matthew: I've heard similar rumblings, and I know he was seen chatting with Deathstroke, which has to be fun conversation:

'Why were you hanging around my kid sister while she's in a robe?'

'Uh, um, it was all part of my brilliant destroy-the-Titans strategy, but I can't explain it to you because you don't use 90% of your brain like me.'