Sunday, September 30, 2007

On Second Thought. . .

. . . I may not be as big a fan of Iron Fist as a legacy as I thought. This may not be the actual problem, but I did feel vaguely dissatisfied with both Iron Fist #9, and the Annual that came out this week, and this is the best reason I can come up with. I mean, I enjoyed the annual about the adventures of Orson Randall (I do want to know how he got mixed up with HYDRA), and the issue about Wo Ao-Shi, Pirate Queen of Pinghai Bay, but it feels like Danny's getting marginalized in his own title.

It seems like a lot of people are sore at "Iron Fist", by which they mean Orson, but Danny's the one who's left defending the honor/holding the bag for Orson's decisions decades ago. Also, Davos has been Danny's rival for awhile, but with these flashbacks, I get the feeling that Davos' grudge with Danny is tied into Danny's father, Wendell, and some belief by Davos that Danny isn't the man his father was (Is it going to wind up being a Professor Zoom situation?)

Is this the tradeoff of becoming a legacy character? You get all the super-cool stories of those who came before you, but you've also got to clean up any messes they leave behind?

Oh, and for the record, I'm not losing interest in the title. I think the focus may be too all over the place right now.


Unknown said...

I had the same sort of empty feeling, really, from the past three books (I didn't like the she-pirate one), but I couldn't put my finger on what was wrong. I think you're on to something. Danny has gone through just about zilch character development in the past three issues because of all the other characters' plots.

Anonymous said...

Yeah but isn't the part of the purpose of this series so far to create more "mythology" for Danny Rand down the line?

Sure, it may be flat now, but it'll pay off later in the form of a much richer backstory for a character who has spend large chunks of his history unused or underused because creators just don't know what to do with him. At least that's what I'm assuming.

CalvinPitt said...

van: I think you summed my feelings up better than I did. We've gotten to see Danny learn some new tricks, but I don't know that we've seen Danny change much as a result of all this. He mostly just seems confused (which is understandable).

nothing stops the blob: I think you're right, but I guess I'm feeling a little impatient. Or I just wanted to see more of the tournament. That might be it.

Unknown said...

The tournament has been crap so far. Maybe that's just because I hate how they use the names of the attack each person does.

CalvinPitt said...

van: See, I actually really like the goofy names for the attacks, but I usally enjoy animes with fighting tournaments where the characters have attacks with odd names they like to shout out loud. It helps when there's actual forward progress in the tournament to enjoy.