Saturday, September 15, 2007

She's Slipping In Her Old Age

So what's wrong with Layla Miller these days? She seems to be getting blindsided an awful lot lately. Didn't see the little French girl showing up, or hitting her with a rock, or the positive pregnancy test in the trash. Elder Tryp warned her that when two forces of chaos clash (meaning him and her), it can be ugly, and that seems to be coming true.

But it's an odd thing. At the same time that Layla seems less able to see what's coming, you've got all this other mutant-related stuff about predestination. I flipped through a copy of X-Men #202, and Mr. Sinister is making a big deal about finding Destiny's Diaries, that I guess lay out all kinds of stuff about the future. And Gambit and Sunfire were after all Cable's information about what's ahead. And Uncanny X-Men #490 introduces (or introduces me, at least) to the history of a character named Qwerty, who could see all possible choices, and what would be the result, and mapped it out for others to follow.

I do have to say I question how useful Cable or Destiny's information will be, considering all the mucking about with the fabric of reality we've had in the Marvel Universe since Destiny bought it. Cable's info ought to be even spottier, considering he's been acting on it to make the world a better place for awhile. You'd think that would start to invalidate it a bit. I guess not though, if people are still after it, since I'd think anything I could think of would be within Mr. Sinister's capabilities.

All these people concerned about what's yet to come, and one person who's still alive and was able to see such things, seems to be losing that ability. Could that be the result of other people following the Diaries, or Qwerty's writings, or the response of others to the actions of those following the predictions, somehow blurring things for Layla? I don't know, time-related stuff always leaves me dizzy.


Jason said...

We never did get an accounting of how Layla's "powers" work, or even what they are, did we? It could be that, as she moves away from the point where her reality separated from ours, she may be losing her sense of what's going to happen.

I wish the whole Destiny's diaries nonsense would just go away, has anyone ever found that stuff interesting. It's like the whole "third Summers bother" plot-line. It's something Marvel's tried to sell us for years as a great plot point and it's never caught fire.

I'm with you on Cable, I assume at some point he's done something to affect "his" future, if not, well, then what's his point.

CalvinPitt said...

jason: Yeah, I'm still not sure what Layla's powers are. She revived that butterfly early in the series, and we haven't seen anything like that since. What the heck?

I have to admit, I'd never heard of Destiny's Diaries before X-Treme X-Men. Yes, I bought the first year of it's run, bad Calvin. But the art was so pretty!

Austin Gorton said...

I'm pretty sure Destiny's Diaries didn't show up until X-Treme (or at least shortly before that series started as set up).

I was always intrigued by the whole "Third Summers Brother" thing, but then I have an unnatural affection for Cyclops and long, meandering, Claremontian subplots that disappear for years only to be resolved out of nowhere.

CalvinPitt said...

teebore: I'd hope they mentioned them sometime before X-Treme started, because issue #1 made it seem like this wasn't something the X-Men were just becoming aware of.

I don't mind the long running subplots that mysteriously vanish and reappear myself, though I was never really buying X-books on a monthly basis during Claremont's heyday, so that may factor into it. If there was one I really enjoyed, and it just got dropped for two years, I might have become annoyed.