Sunday, September 02, 2007

Nose Stuffed, Brain Drowning

I am incapable of giving you any kind of substantial post today.

Or I'm unwilling to do so. One of the two.

So I'm just going to share a photo with. It's from the 4th of July. It's probably my favorite photo that I've taken since I got my camera last Christmas.

All I really wanted was to get a shot of the smoke in front of the street light, it just so happened that the large group of wasted guys down the street shot off some fireworks while I was taking it, so hey, bonus. I just think it looks kind of nifty.

So there you go. Night everybody.


Matthew said...

I note with suspicion that you have come down with the dreaded lurgy at the same time as Chris Sims. What hijinx have you two been getting up to together?

Hope you're feeling better soon, CP.

CalvinPitt said...

matthew: I wish this was a case of me and Chris Sims being exhausted from kicking Nazi fish in the face together, but well you know Sims. He's a lone wolf, a solitary eagle, a cuddly baby tapir, and those sorts of fellows run alone.

Me? I'm just being ground into a fine paste by working on my thesis. it feels a little like trying to as Jimi Hendrix put it, chop down a mountain with the back of my hand.

That and recent comics haven't provided much fodder lately.