Friday, September 14, 2007

If Tomorrow Comes Today, Did I Miss Friday?

{Pretty deep title, huh?} Um, I guess. Are you sure you can't come up with any more titles that relate to the post somehow. {Not unless you want me to start calling them "Adorable Baby Panda Reviews - (insert number here)".} Well, I do like seeing my name in the title. . . {As Velma so often said of Scooby, what a ham.} Ham? Where? {No ham, sorry. Stick to bamboo.}

Applause and a Hug for Ko-Rel. I think she needs the hug more, but still, she gave it a really good try against Nova, and everyone should appreciate the effort. And Applause for the Worldmind. Ever since he asked Nova to be a host for him in Annihilation: Nova, it's been all about him. He needs to be protected, he's too important. But he finally decided some things are more important, even if it destroys him. {Hear, hear.} Applause for Layla, for thinking quickly when confronted by a crazy person. {I don't know. I always thought the first rule for dealing with crazy people was no sudden movements.} That doesn't count when they attack you. {Good point.} Applause to Monet and Siryn, for completing their mission, even if it was a trick. {I was wondering, do you think those grandparents actually care that their grandkids sing anti-mutant songs, or did Huber just plant that? I mean they have to care a little right, or else Monet could have picked up that their concern wasn't genuine. That's why Huber wanted her gone.} I don't know.

Hugs for little Ben Parker. That's OK now, right? {Yeah, I think hugging the de-symbiotified baby is safe.} "De-symbiotified"? You made that up. {Obviously, for only someone of my unsurpassed brilliance could have come up with such a word. Well, me or Deadpool. He did devise the verb known as "puddinize".} Aren't you worried Deadpool will show up now? {It's not like I can stop him if he does. Besides, I don't have any mini-pizzas for him to steal this time. A-ha ha ha!} Rightttt. Hugs for Ultimate Peter Parker, because anytime you see Norman Osborn on national TV complaining about his mistreatment by the government, you know Spider-Man is about to have a bad day. {I think "bad day" describes Peter's life 360 days a year.} Oh, it can't be that many! {Probably not, but as slowly as Bendis writes, I'm sure it feels that way. *rimshot*} You're what the Spaniards call el terrible. {Excuse me, we don't quote Family Guy on this blog. You quote South Park, or you go to hell and you die.} What? {See, it's funny, because I quoted South Park.} No it wasn't. {Are we going to start this again?} I guess not. Hug for Pietro. {What?} He's just so pathetic now. I feel bad for him. And I think he might be dead now. {Nah, he's just brain-damaged. More so, I mean.}

Bonks to Cyclops, for being rude to Jamie. {Well, Cyclops is a tool, so it's to be expected.} And Bonks to Jamie, for being rude back. {Now wait just a minute here.} No waiting! Too much to do! {Then we shouldn't have wasted all that time on the jokes and general foolishness in the last paragraph.} I'm trying to make up for it; you're the one dragging us down. {Harsh.} Bonks to Ultimate SHIELD. It's like a rehab clinic to the stars with how easy it is to get out of there. {I thought we weren't wasting anymore time on humor, and I use the term loosely. Still your point is well taken. I am intrigued by your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter. Continue.} Bonks to Huber for dumping half of X-Factor in a snowy wasteland. {Well, Rahne has fur, so she should be OK. And Guido's large, so even with all the bare skin, he'll lose heat more slowly. And Jamie can make a lot of duplicates to share warmth with, I suppose. It's not so bad. I'm more worried about Rahne getting stuck on that new X-Force book. Poor girl.}

What was that newsletter thing about. {I don't know, I stole it from the Deadspin commenters. No clue where they got the idea to use that phrase for humor from, but that's comedy for you.}


Jason said...

How about a Bonk for Rich Ryder for agreeing to be a Phalanx Select and selling out Worldmind and Ko-Rel for some Gamorra-booty. Plus extra Hugfor Ko-rel and her little boy, Zam. I really hope there's a happy ending somewhere for those two.

Can we give X-Factor as a whole and Peter David a Hug for getting saddled with the Endangered Species backups for two months in a row. Gosh, they are awful, hopefully it'll bring them some new readers.

CalvinPitt said...

jason: I don't know about bonking Rich. I mean, Gamora-booty IS pretty awesome. Aw, what the hell. Bonks it is.

I wonder if those reading X-Factor because of the Endangered Species backups would recognize the truly high quality of X-Factor. Damn, there I go being a snob. Bonks for me, I suppose.

SallyP said...

Aw heck, a hug for all the X-Factor people. They look like they could use one.

A hug and a mighty HUZZAH! for Thor. He beat up Tony Stark! Who just totally deserved it. Heh heh.
Tony FINALLY got his bonk.

A hug for Booster Gold, who outwitted Sinestro, no less. And a hug for Guy Gardner, who was all young and depressed and ended up missing the Rose Bowl.

A hug for Sinestro. Yes, he's evil, but a man who can actually TWIRL HIS MUSTACHE in evil glee, deserves a hug for awesomeness!

CalvinPitt said...

sallyp: I did enjoy Thor breaking out the 9-iron on Stark. I'm no golfing expert, but that was a pretty good swing.

But didn't Booster inadvertently give Sinestro the idea to start the Sinestro Corps? Well, he is Booster Gold, i guess I shouldn't expect too much from him, so hugs for Booster and Mustache-Boy.