Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I Suppose "Flesh Wound Shot" Doesn't Sound As Nice

Now, if I understand this correctly, Deadshot can't kill Batman because he's so afraid of the Dark Knight Detective that he always pulls his shots off target when he tries. I have two questions related to this:

1) Can Deadshot wound Batman? I assume Deadshot is always shooting to kill and missing, but could he, I don't know, aim at a knee cap, or try and get Bats in the shoulder? Would his fear still cause him to miss?

2) Why, exactly is Deadshot afraid of Batman? Batman's not going to kill him, and besides, I thought Deadshot had himself a bit of a death wish, so why exactly would he be afraid of Batman? Because Batman is gonna beat him up? So what? I'm sure Deadshot has gotten his butt kicked dozens of times. {Note: I'm not saying I wouldn't be afraid of Batman beating me up, just that I can't figure why Deadshot would be.}

So yeah, I can't really figure why Deadshot would be so afraid he can't shoot straight, and I wonder whether he could try shooting to wound instead. That pretty well covers it.


Anonymous said...

Maybe Batman has humiliating photographs to be released upon his death. He did look goofy in that top-hat.

Matthew said...

Deadshot has realised that, as terrifying as The Batman is, you *do not* want a Bat-Phantom hunting you for all eternity!

Anonymous said...

Because criminals are a cowardly and fearful lot, duh...

SallyP said...

I just see this as a way to once againt build up Batman at the expense of another character. I actually rather like Deadshot.


Jason said...

Well, no one says phobias have any grounds in rationality (see Tyra Bank's fear of dolphins). Maybe since Batman delivered Deadshot's first true beat-down, and completely humiliated him in his first runaround (remember, he was posing as a hero at the beginning), the fear was developed and that's what caused him to turn into a full-on sociopath.

CalvinPitt said...

bret: Blackmail is such an ugly way to do business. Ugly, but apparently effective.

matthew: But see, that's when you call Felix Faust to act as exorcist (setting aside faust's current imprisonment in Dr. Fate's home). After all, the man who kills Batman ought to have to world on a string.

Until Wonder Woman breaks his neck of course. But those ten minutes before that will be awesome.

nothing stops the blob: You're right of course, it just seems odd he would fear Bats more than death.

sallyp: I suppose it's a question of what damages Deadshot less. Either he misses Batman because he's afraid of him to the point it ruins his aim, or he misses because Batman is so super-awesome that the 2nd best killer in the world (after, sigh, Deathstroke) can't even hit him. I don't actually know which is wbetter, myself.

jason: So, does that mean we could blame Deadshot's kills on Batman? I really like blaming Batman for stuff. Batman, it's your fault I'm going bald, and having trouble concentrating in class!

Jason said...

That's a good idea, I'm six days away from blaming the Cub's collapse on him.

Matthew said...

Indeed, save for the fact that Ralph will disrupt the exorcism at a crucial point by ecto-punching Faust right in the kisser!