Monday, December 18, 2006

Cutting Them Off At The Pass

So, has Ultron ever gone after the X-Men? His most common stated goal is to wipe out all "organics" and replace them with machines. To that end you would think mutants would be an unpleasant occurrence. After all, mutants are organics that don't require any sort of scientific misadventure to gain the types of superpowers to commonly prove troublesome for Ultron. When you add in that the Scarlet Witch's mutant hex powers were one of the few things Ultron was actually vulnerable to (because it messes with the molecular rearranger that lets his insides keep functioning), he'd consider eliminating mutants a bit of a priority.

Of course, there only being about 200 mutants on Earth right now, one could argue they aren't much of a priority right now. But that really seems to make it the ideal time to strike. Ultron wiped out an entire country, killing a couple hundred superhumans, especially with at least a few being relatively inexperienced children, should be pretty easy. Plus, there hasn't been any sign of Wanda and her hex powers recently (though I guess she's making an appearance this week, but I wouldn't be surprised if her powers are gone, since Quesada probably lumps her into the same boat as Dr. Strange powers-wise), which eliminates a major threat. And, the major defenders of mutants are the X-Men, and the Astonishing group just got taken offworld, Brubaker's squad is in Shi'ar space, Carey's bunch is busy with this other group of hyper-evolved humans (something else for Ultron to destroy, I guess). X-Factor's fragmented right now, and Tony Stark's Super-Goon Squad isn't concerned with protecting people from actual threats, when they could sic Bullseye of Captain America instead. So really, it'd be pretty easy, and it would cut off one line of potential threats.

Besides, you'd have the potential for some pretty interesting brawls, as either Apocalypse or Cable might object to to that line of action, and that could be pretty sweet, given the right creative team (not sure who that would be).

Just a thought.


Anonymous said...

I suspect poor Ultron is still trying to figure out how Daredevil managed to knock his head off with a stick back in Acts of Vengence. The mutants will have to wait.

CalvinPitt said...

rich: Yeah, that was the last time Ultron ventured out of his Avengers-centric stylings (well, that and his appearance in Runaways earlier this year), so he's probably a bit leery.

Of course, the DD fight was Doom's fault, for putting all the Ultron's personalities in one robot, so yeah, Ultron vs. Dr. Doom! Awesome!