Saturday, December 23, 2006

Ideas For The Hospital Halloween Party

So I'm watching House last night, eagerly awaiting the scene when Wilson finds House lying next to a pool of vomit (after mixing booze with pills he swiped using a dead man's subscription), but first, I had to sit through Cameron getting on her soapbox to bitch at Wilson.

And then it occurred to me. Dr. Cameron is Batman. Never any fun, always looking down on other people, and criticizing their mistakes, assuming that she is some sort of moral compass for everyone. Just a regular rain cloud. You'd never invite her to a party. I had always figured House for that role, given that he's always right, but really, he's much more Green Arrow. Cranky bluster hiding a generally good exterior. Very outspoken with his opinions, and not above resorting to name calling if he doesn't get what he wants.

Based on that line of reasoning, Dr. Chase is probably the Blue Beetle, or some other slaughtered member of the Giffen/DeMatteis League. Tries hard, feels kind of overwhelmed, seems to take the brunt of the abuse from his cranky overlords, rarely gets a moment in the Sun.

I'm not sure about the others. Cuddy's must be Black Canary, since she's one of the only ones who can rein House in and... I don't know. I've kind of run out of steam. If you can finish up, or feel differently, by all means, chime in. As for me, I'm probably going to be incommunicado for the nest two days. I might be back earlier, but for sure on Tuesday.



SallyP said...

Wilson has to be Hal Jordan, 'cause he's so pretty, and usually chasing a woman. Although he would need to get hit in the head more often.

CalvinPitt said...

sallyp: Well, I'm sure House would be willing to help with that.