Wednesday, January 31, 2007

What I Bought 1/31/06

Not much of an intro today. Suffice it to say, Annihilation #6 is here. So you better be alert, because I'm not sure the spoilers can be contained!

Annihilation #6 - You know how last Thursday I discussed how both Dr. Strange and X-Factor defied my expectations? Same deal here, and it was fantastic. Galactus is loose, this is bad news for the Annihilation Wave, and Ronan plans to take advantage of their weakened state, and holy crap! What are they using as weapons?! That's outstanding!

Meanwhile, Annihilus isn't quite ready to give up yet, but too bad. He's out of time. That's right, it's Nova vs. Annihilus, Round 2! But just like Round !, Rich can't do it all by himself. Good thing he doesn't have to, even if he planned to.

After the fight, we see Giffen lay things out for the future of the Cosmic Marvel. And it isn't quite the way I figured, which is good, because it's done in a way that makes the war have a bit more permanence (to the extent anything at Marvel does). It nicely sets some things up for Nova, plus any other future stories someone wants to write in space. And that's classy. He brought out the toys, had some fun (and invited us along), and now he's put them back. Some of the toys might be different, but they're still there, for the person who wants to use. (And to that person? Use them well, 'cause if you crap on Annihilation, we're gonna have problems.)

I have to say that on my initial read through, I felt that Andrea DiVito's art wasn't neccessarily conveying the force of the Nova-Annihilus battle. On second look, it was well done, it's just no artist can make it look as good to my eyes, as my own mind can. So, not DiVito's fault. Oh, and one more thing:

Richard Rider is hardcore. No question about it. 17,000 out 5.

Blue Beetle #11 - Tough act to follow. Jamie fights with Lonar, which makes me think of Lone Star (from Spaceballs), even though they aren't at all alike, besides being guys. And Metron appears, and for the rest of the issue he auditions for the part of Layla Miller in the completely made up X-Factor movie (Hi! I'm Sits-In-A-Chair-All-Day, and I know stuff). Brenda gets the boys to stop fighting each other, and they decide to deal with Devilance's traps. But hey, at least Sitting Guy is actually gonna help.

And so, that's about it. Metron talks a lot about how he could tell Jamie all about the Scarab, but never actually gets around to it. Fellow's more "all talk, no action" than Darkseid and current Phantom Stranger put together. But he does call Jamie the "Reach Infiltrator" which I'm sure means... something, but hell if I know what. 3.3 out of 5, but to be fair, it suffers in comparison to the sheer increbile amounts of extremely awesome power of Annihilation #6.

I do wonder who that Mother Box belonged to. Shilo Norman's didn't look like that, did it? Is he even in continuity? If so, shouldn't Scot Free be suing him for trademark infringement? Or is Scot Free dead? And if he is, how many pieces did Barda rip his killer into?


Marc Burkhardt said...

I'm going to have to buy the Annihilation trade. With Beyond! and Agents of Atlas, that makes three great mini-series Marvel put out this past year - none of which had anything to do with the company's big event.

There's a message there, but I'm not quite sure what it is.

Randy said...

Sigh, I must await my purchase of Annihilation until next week, due to travel. I soooooooo want this book now. By far #1 Mini of the year. Its some good ol' fashioned cosmic fun, not seen in quite some time from any company. What a spectacular um, "non-event" I guess? Thanks for hyping the wrong mini Marvel, LOL.

Fang Bastardson said...

I hate my comic store. Today I came in in that tenuous, slippery window between "the books aren't out yet" and "Sorry, the three copies we ordered of that book sold out 5 minutes ago."

Today I noticed all the "new" books were the same as last week's. I mention this to the Epsilon-Minus behind the counter, "Say, is it just me, or do this week's new books look a lot like last week's new books?"

He lets slip a zinger about my powers of concentration (oh, the hilarity!) and brushes me off with a casual explanation that their shipment got misrouted and wasn't expected till tomorrow.

What the crap ever happened to customer service?! It's no wonder I usually make a 50-mile round trip to the comic store in the next town over on Wednesday mornings. A 50-mile road trip is a bargain compared to having to deal with the local dolts.

Thanks for letting me vent. Love your blog.


Anonymous said...

Must ... resist ... urge to run to store!

I'm looking forward to A#6 even more now. CW#7 has a lot to live up to.

CalvinPitt said...

fortress: I think the message is to no try and force every other book the company produces to dance to your tune.

randy: Next week? If I may, that bites.

fang: No problem. Venting is half the fun of blogging (at least for me).

matthew: Stop resisting! Go! Buy! Now!

Jon Hex said...

Shilo Norman was trained by Scott Free to take over for him when Scott decided to go back to New Genesis. But Scott came back, Shilo became a prison warden, then Seven Soldiers seemed to make it's own reality.