Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It'll Drive You Mad

So if I understand this correctly, those stupid Monitor guys want to eliminate Kyle Rayner, Donna Troy, and Jason Todd because they're anomalies, or something like that. It seems like a more sophisticated response would be to find a way to help them fit (assuming they need help, all three of them seem to be doing okay, except for the attempts on their lives) into the brand spanking new Multiverse (is it new? Or is it only new to us, and to everyone else this is how it's always been?), rather than just killing them and potentially incurring the wrath of the other heroes.

But what do I know? I'm not some big, pink idiot in stupid armor, running around deciding who fits and who doesn't. That being the case, I guess Donna, Kyle, and Jason better get to running for their lives. My suggestion would be that they try to find that magical "Haney-Earth", that so many fans hope is out there, somewhere amongst the 52.

It'd be the perfect place to hang out. The Montiors are such sticklers for everything fitting together, and being in its proper place, their heads would explode at the insanity of Haney-Earth.

And who knows, it might just be a nice place for them to sort things out. Jason Todd would magically stop being angry and homicidal. Donna Troy wouldn't have a confusing origin anymore. Which isn't to say her origin would be static, it would keep changing, but each new origin would remain totally separate and unconnected from the previous ones, and would fit perfectly with whatever situation she found herself in at the moment. And Kyle? Well, Kyle would probably continue about as usual. He strikes me as capable of being totally oblivious to all sorts of odd goings-on.


Marc Burkhardt said...

If only we all lived on Haney Earth!

SallyP said...

Heh heh. Kyle IS oblivious sometimes...it's part of his charm. Well, that and his magnificent behind of course.

I must admit that I find the Monitors to be rather on the officious side. Can't they go and bother some of the OTHER earths for a change? Nevertheless, you know I'll be buying this.

CalvinPitt said...

fortress keeper: I'm not certain I could handle the radness, myself. But it would be fun to try.

sallyp: You know what? I bet the Montiors can't actually get to any of those other realities. Thye can see into them, but they can't figure out how to get there. All talk, no action.

Anonymous said...

It SEEMS as if every monitor is assigned an earth, and somehow reflects it (maybe). If so who else would love to see the Earth Haney monitor?

CalvinPitt said...

anonymous: Hopefully they'd be less of straight-laced sourpuss than the others.

Or perhaps Haney-Earth is too wild for one Montior. They have to rotate shifts watching it, or go mad.