Monday, June 11, 2007


Sadly, I wasn't able to find a picture of X-Play's "Drunk Link" crying pitfully over Zelda to go with this post. Truly the Internet is freaking worthless. Setting that aside for the time being, we move back to the Nintendo 64 to look at, you guessed it - Starfox 64.

Wait that's not right. I'm not talking about Starfox for a couple months yet. It's Ocarina of Time that we're focusing on today. Prior to getting this game as a gift from Alex, I didn't have much experience with the Legend of Zelda games. I rented the original once, but the rental place never included instruction manuals, so I didn't know what I was doing, or to what purpose I was supposed to be doing them. Not surprisingly, I fared poorly, and pretty much ignored that franchise for the next several years. Heck, it was quite a while before I realized "Zelda" didn't refer to the guy with the sword doing all the work. Hero can't get his name in the title of his game. Except "Link to the Past", which is a horrible pun (as noted by Drunk Link, in one of the few moments he isn't crying over losing Zelda, or the Drunk Girl).

I don't know whether there's an advantage (in terms of enjoyment) to playing Ocarina of Time with knowledge of the earlier games. Maybe you get more out of it, on an easter egg level, I don't know. I just know it's a game I really enjoy. The plot is pretty standard, you as (whatever name you gave yourself) are a special child, tasked to go to the castle and bring a special stone to the princess, who then asks you to go get the other special stones, and it all goes to hell from there. The fact that the two kids' plan ends up backfiring and causing the whole mess is a nice little twist, but one that actually makes a lot of sense when you think back on it. The combat is fun, but not complicated to the point it drives you nuts (most of the time).

For me though, it was all the little things you can do that add to the experience. I wasted all kinds of time just riding around on my horse, or fishing. Not very heroic perhaps, but it's not like the story is gonna go anywhere without me right? Which is why you can take the job selling masks, or play games to increase your weapons load, or concentrate on finding the Skullta spiders to lift the curse on that one poor family. It was kind of interesting to see where people you met as a kid had ended up, and to see how they were doing seven years later, though the answer was rarely good. For example, Talon (a short, chubby guy wearing red and blue) ran a nice horse ranch when you were a kid. Seven years later, he's exiled and living in a small village, unable to return to his ranch because it's been giving to his unfriendly servant (a taller fellow, with similar facial hair, but wearing green), who had always complained of how he did all the hard work, but Talon got all the credit. So it's up to you to turn things back around, because hey, you're a good guy and that's what you do, especially when the skinny jackass tries to welch on the wager you to had. He's lucky I just took the horse, and not his head.

I don't really know what else to say about Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It was just a lot of fun to play. Even though the story is pretty straightforward, there are enough diversions to keep you the interest level high on the second or third time through.


Unknown said...

Ocarina of Time was a great game. Probably the best of the series (although I hear Twilight Princess is a contender).

Honestly, I could never really get into Zelda either as a kid. Sure, I played it when we had an NES, but that was mostly just to run around and kill monsters with a sword. When I picked up the Game Boy port a couple years back with full knowledge of the mission, I was less than impressed (although I can definitely see why it caught on at the time).

That said, I would recommend trying to track down Link to the Past in some way, shape, or form, because I think that's one of the better games in the series as well.


Kolby said...

Ummm..ok this is probably going to be a sorry excuse for a question, but hopefully you can help me. I want to get into comics about Storm. The only interaction I've had with the X-Men is when it came on t.v. when I was a kid and the movies. I really like the pairing they did with her and Wolverine in One Man's Worth. I already read a lot of fanfic involving her, but I also want to read some comics. So do you have any suggestions? Second question, are there any other black female characters that I can read about? I know this has nothing to do with the post that have, but help a sista out if you can.

CalvinPitt said...

matt: Well, I do know about a computer with NES roms on it, perhaps I could play a little Link to the Past there.

kolbyirish: Just off the top of my head, Uncanny X-Men #200, when depowered Storm takes on Cyclops to see who leads the X-Men is pretty good, but I think it focuses more on whether Cyclops really wants to lead the team. The issues following that are pretty intense, with the Marauders, Hellfire Club, Nimrod, etc. Storm runs the show through a lot of those issues.

As for other possibilities, NextWave starred Monica Rambeau, formerly Captain marvel, the Photon, then Pulsar. It's kind of an odd series, but pretty funny, lots of explosions. It's only 12 issues though, but I know it's been coming out in trades, so you might be able to find it pretty cheap.

Beyond that, I'm not sure I can be much help. I can mention it in my post tonight, see if any of my audience have any suggestions.