Monday, August 23, 2010

It Seems A Waste Of Super-Science

I don't know if Judd Winick's planning to dismantle Starrware in Power Girl. The future of the company doesn't look great, with all the money being gone, and the company under investigation, and now Power Girl's aggravating employees (or former employees) with criminal pasts who figured out her secret identity as their boss. But maybe his plan is to take it to a low, before Peej finds a way to fix things.

One way or the other, at some point I'd like to see the work the company does play more of a role in the plots. It's a company dedicated to coming up with ways to make fantastic concepts work in a way that will benefit humanity. There has to be some way to incorporate that. We saw one of the ideas during the Palmiotti/Gray/Conner run, the stuff that could be used to replicate other things. Power Girl ended up using it to repair a bridge damaged during her and Terra's fight with the environmentally conscious girl using a magic book (Power Girl #4). So that was a positive use, but since we're talking about people here, someone would find a way to use that in a way only beneficial to themselves, and harmful to lots of other people.

It seems like the perfect opportunity to unleash any crazy idea a writer/artist team could come up with. It's comic book science, the sky isn't the limit, it's the place the team reaches so they can see all the other really wild stuff they could bring forth. I'm sort of picturing Eureka, only with more costumes and punching, and fewer love triangles. You can bring in appropriately-themed villains who want the company's work for themselves, have the work itself go awry. Maybe Power Girl uses something to deal with an immediate problem, but the invention hadn't been tested enough to determine long-term issues.

Have them develop something with wide appeal that draws the attention of larger companies, say Waynetech and Lexcorp. Karen's not sure about either one, since companies in comics are usually evil. Of course, Lex may not be willing to do things legally, so he has agents sneaking around, then Batman (or some member of the Bat-family) gets involved, maybe Lex escalates by hiring some of the Rogues to go after whatever it is (to throw suspicion off him), Power Girl and her employees are in the middle, it gets crazy. Or she just has to try and keep both sides from buying her company out from under her. It would be a good idea for the person writing it (be it Winick or whoever) to have a better understanding of how the world of business works than I do.

Maybe she could hire Michael Holt (Mr. Terriffic) as a consultant. He's the third-smartest guy in the DCU, he must have some good ideas they could help come to fruition. Too bad Ted Kord's still dead, they could do some cooperative project and have a little of that old JLI/JLE fun.

Obviously, if Judd Winick isn't interested in those sorts of stories, he shouldn't go that route. Trying to write something he didn't feel invested in probably wouldn't end well. I still think there's more that could be done with the company, though I might be the only one interested in this sort of thing. I know, ideas are cheap, execution is the tricky part, but it sounds like such a good idea in my head.

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