Sunday, August 29, 2010

Tales From The Woods #1

Last spring, while on the job, I came across two turtles on a trail, facing in opposite directions. One turtle was sealed up inside its shell, the other was behind the first turtle, trapped on its back. The funny part was the toes of the second turtle were caught in between the first turtle's shell and plastron (the underside of a turtle shell). My impression was this was a botched mating attempt. Turtle #2 climbed up on Turtle #1, and somehow slid/fell off and wound up in a bad way, especially after Turtle #1 panicked and closed its shell.

I wonder about that sometimes. Did Turtle #1 feel my footsteps approaching and try to flee without warning Turtle #2? Or was Turtle #2 making unwanted advances, and wound up stuck when Turtle #1 decided to keep on moving? Maybe it was simply a case of performance anxiety*. Turtle #2 wasn't real smooth in his approach, Turtle #1 spooked, Turtle #2 ends up on its back, feet stuck in another turtle's shell. It could have been the Ghost of the Forest; it has a sense of humor.

Whatever the sequence that brought it about, I did get them separated, measured, and marked (since that's part of the job). Then I set them down right-side up and sent them on their way


SallyP said...

Awwww...I'm glad you saved the turtles. But it would have been interesting to see exactly WHAT they were up to, I suppose.

CalvinPitt said...

sallyp: I could have stuck around I guess, but they were all that stood between me and the end of my day, so I was ready to bolt by the time I'd set them down.

Shlomo Ben Hungstien said...

This posting totally reminds me of the opening voight comf test interview scene in Blade Runner.

by the way Calvin, i saw your comment about the whole Slip Knot choking an android bit from the Siucide Squad on a Siskoid ROM blog posting. I have that SS issue along with rest of the set. sometimes i think it would be cool to start a Suicide Squad blog. anyways, you might find my ROM blog of interest:

Shlomo Ben Hungstien said...

P.S. that Suicide Squad tie in was to the Millennium series.

CalvinPitt said...

The Dude: Thanks for the info. I knew it was tying in to something, but I couldn't remember what.